The OptiSaber® Laser Cleaving System is designed to address the need to efficiently cleave a large volume of MT ferrules while reducing operating time, and costs, and increasing yield.
Fiber Optic Laser Cleaver

OptiSaber® OS7000M Laser Cleaver - The Finest Fiber Forming Machine
The OptiSaber® OS7000M Laser Cleaver is the finest fiber-forming machine on the market that increases production yield on multi-fiber (MTP/MPO) applications. Significant cost savings and reduced process variation associated with cracking are typical of mechanical cleaving methods. Additional time savings include a uniform starting point for less polishing, consistent epoxy removal, elimination of safety concerns (minimizing handling of scrap fiber), and reduction in the overall cost of terminations.
- Compact: 21” x 9” x 4-3/4” (530mm x 228m x 120mm)
- Fast, Reliable & Affordable
- 120/240 volt available
System Performance Criteria
- Recommended Protrusion: 100µ
- Co-planarity: 10µ
- Easy activation – switch between hand or foot
- Optimal Precision with 10-micron length adjustments
- Minimal operator training required
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